How we construct our worship so that it enables people to interact with God and God's story is a vexed question these days. Is it better to worship with all ages together? Is it better to arrange for separate educational activities for the young which match the purpose of the sermon for adults, but in another location? Or are the arguments for such bi-locational worship more about expediency for the adults left behind? And if kids are to 'go out', when should that happen? Parishes need to have conversations about these issues, rather than relying on assumptions about what once happened.
The video below raises issues which can help such a conversation to happen. Created by the group Lutheran Satire, it is just as relevant to Anglican parishes...It's the kind of thing where you laugh hard and then begin to think about the issues involved.
Before you watch this video be assured it's satire and should be taken as such.
Fussy little children in the sanctuary are causing quite the consternation at the local parish. Fortunately, Mr. Thompson and the Vicar have an ingenious solution to the problem.
What do you think? Remember, I'm not asking what you think of the argument of the video itself but of it's use to stimulate discussion...