Ever wondered what drives great ideas for ministry across the ages? Knowing how Christian education works, what underpins it and how to do it better is a start! Jonathan Sargeant is coordinating Christian Education (THL366) next semester at St Francis Theological College. Find out more here...
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Watch the video for the Distributed Church program and then meet me back here. It only goes for 90 seconds or so...
You watched it? What did you think?
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The final two books in the Pilgrim: a course for the Christian journey series have been released.
Following the order of issues in the Catechism, the final two books are The Bible and Church and Kingdom. These use ...
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Question and answer sessions are an essential part of any state school Religious Education teachers methodology. They tend to allow us get to the point. The itch gets scratched!
With Episcopalian Questions, Episcopalian Answers, Ian Markham (Dean and President of Virginia Theological Seminary) has written a slim volume that does just that. He provides brief answers that manage to
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Everyone loves a movie with a message, especially when that message is something uplifting or inspiring. Sometimes, though, the message can overpower the film, or more to the point, the message is something we could all agree with, but the film itself does not do that message justice. I'm not pointing any fingers (cough* Invictus), but does a movie like Selma live up to the message it carries?
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Since the Eucharist is so central to what we do as Christians, it stands to reason that people in our pews should have a good understanding of what is going on as they participate, right?
This 24 page booklet aims to enable that good understanding.
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The Gospel according to Mark has always puzzled careful readers. It seems to focus on keeping Jesus’ works and miracles secret, on Jesus’ failure to convince his opponents, and on the weaknesses of his disciples.
The Revised Common Lectionary uses the Gospel According to Mark as the basis for the Sunday Gospel readings in year B. As an opportunity for preachers and laity alike this seminar will provide excellent preparation for the year ahead.
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From 2015, St Francis Theological College will begin offering subjects especially targeting those ministry areas. You can work towards a diploma or audit subjects (reduced fees and optional assessment).
And what’s on next year? “Youth Culture and Mission” will use an adjusted timetable that won’t require weekly lectures. Jonathan Sargeant will be coordinating the subject.
Want to know more? You can read all about it here.
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Have a look at the new website for Education for Ministry here in Australia. It's in its beginning stages but already is a great repository of information and sharing. If you've heard of EfM but never really looked into it, the website is a great place to check out some of the details.
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Research suggests that if you want the faith of children to grow it needs to happen primarily in the home. It's great to have supporting programs happening in the parish but the home is the locus.
Taking this seriously, Stephen Harrison has created the Faithful Families blog, weekly resources to help families grow faith at home. Every idea is simple and easily used.
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Anglican perspective on ABC local radio
Local ABC Radio has recently started a series of radio conversations to help the general public have (a greater) awareness of different faith perspectives. This is in coordination with the Toowoomba ‘Model City of Peace and Harmony’ initiative. Jonathan Inkpin has become the Christian participant (specifically as an Anglican)...
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The well-known US Christian video resource site Sermon Spice (http://www.sermonspice.com/) serves at least two major purposes for Anglicans here in the Anglican Church Southern Queensland. In the first place the site is an absolute treasure trove of video material for everything from adding a welcome, to stories that enhance homilies, to blessings with heart. But what is the second??
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