Collaborative leaders bring out God’s best in others and in the organizations they serve in pursuit of shared goals. They seek out individuals, teams and organizations who can fill their gaps in knowledge, skills and wisdom and are willing to share with they have with others.
Read MorePaula Gooder's The Joy of the Gospel
Evangelism. There I said it. But what about evangelization? Is that different? Here 's a resource that can inspire enthusiasm where opften there is anxiety and have us learning along the way...
Read MoreLearning more about Jesus
Doing some research into resources for preparation for Confirmation, I was reminded of this project a number of us worked on a little while back. Developed by a group of Brisbane Anglicans, this series of engaging and thought provoking videos exploring...
Read MoreWhat's in the Bible: a children's resource
What's in the Bible is a DVD series that comes from the creator of VeggieTales, Phil Vischer. It is designed to walk children through the entire Bible narrative. The importance of this approach has increased as young people increasingly displaylittle to no knowledge of the Bible.
Read MoreHabits for your Heart
Something revolutionary is happening in the Anglican schools in our diocese....
Read MoreAnother Lent Idea: Free Download
Looking for a new Lenten resource that works for individuals and groups and is free? “Growing a Rule of Life” is a brand new Lenten workbook for individuals and congregations. It is produced by SSJE (Society of St. John the Evangelist), in partnership with the Center for the Ministry of Teaching at Virginia Theological Seminary.
Read MoreIdeas for lent
Now is the time to start thinking about Lent for next year, especially if you need to order books or consult with others...Remember, 10th of February is not that far way factoring in holidays and the like...
So here's a few ideas to throw into the mix. Click on the images to see purchasing info...
Read MoreThe Art of Leading Groups
Even the most practiced facilitator gets butterflies in their stomach before they start working with a group. And every facilitator will tell you that the bulk of their work is done before they set eyes on the group they will be working with. Keeping in mind these two facts, I’ve come up with a few tips to help in leading groups.
Read MoreGrowing as families
The research tells us that the best indicator that faith will grow in young people is if faith is a part of daily life in the family. And for families to thrive so that faith can be passed on, the Search Institute has noted five essential actions that lead to a nurturing family life. Following my logic? If we work on these fiver actions, we create the fertile soil where issues of depth can be a part of day-to-day life.
Read MoreThe Seasons of Adult Faith Formation
Whilst much of the literature on faith development tended to focus on the stages and styles characterised by young people, John Roberto's new book gives us everything we need to draw new insights into the formation of adults in the Christian faith.
Read MoreNew books about St Francis
Celebrating St. Francis through Learning
The feast of Saint Francis of Assisi was celebrated on October 4th. While many churches host animal blessingsSt. Francis Day is also an opportunity for study and education.
Are Religious Children kinder?
Does faith make our children kinder and more generous?
This article from The Guardian highlights research that says....(find out more)
Read MoreNew ways of thinking about Leadership
Forbes magazine has created this video that highlights thinking about leadership using scenes from the popular cinematic series, of films, Star Wars.
Read MoreWant to help people understand Anglican Christianity?
Launched now at is the new Exploring Anglican Identity material.
Archbishop Phillip is the star of five short videos, each dealing with a different aspect of Anglican identity. Each video has discussion questions aimed at provoking conversation, whether you use them at a confirmation class, a bible study/other small group or even play one a week at morning tea after church. Archbishop Phillip has summed up nuanced ideas concisely and with humour.
Read MoreBible Challenge: A Tool for Churches to Read the Bible in a Year
The Bible Challenge is a Bible study published by Forward Movement, designed to allow adult learners to read the Bible in a year. We wanted to know how this program works in a parish, and our friend Andrew was happy to let us know how St Gregory's, Boca Raton, FL used the program.
Read MoreThe Spirit of Advent
Free reflection booklet invites you into the spirit of Advent
Anglican Overseas Aid has launched a new, pocket-sized reflection booklet based on the
weekly themes of Advent. The booklet had been inspired by the agency’s Gifts of Light
Christmas gifts catalogue, which last year was redesigned around the themes of Advent.
After realising that charity Christmas gift catalogues often don’t emphasise the central story of the Christmas season, the agency redesigned its Gifts of Light catalogue to follow the traditional
themes of Advent – hope, love, joy and peace - and the Advent lectionary readings.
The Advent Booklet can be ordered in bulk for use by churches and other groups, or as part
of orders of Christmas gifts from the Gifts of Light catalogue. To find out more about the
Advent Booklet, and download a pdf version, visit
Resources for conversations across faiths
As the world becomes more pluralistic there are two or more responses we can make. We can draw back into our turtle shells, put fingers in our ears and pretend its not happening or... we can begin conversations within and beyond our communities to discover ways forward in peace.
Read MoreHumanising the "other"
Something about us as humans means it's easier to have compassion for those who are like us. And, correspondingly, it's harder to care about those who are different. Because Jesus calls us to rise above that 'tribal nature', resources which help to do that are super useful!
Read MoreGrowing Disciples 21C
If you are interested in having a stroll through the ideas of someone who has been working in the field of faith formation for a long time, and who has significant runs on the board of encouraging people towards discipleship then the blog of UCA Education specialist Craig Mitchell is a great place to start.
Read MoreVideo Resource: Australian Suffragan Bishop seeks climate justice
Suffragan Bishop Tom Wilmot in the Archdiocese of Perth, Anglican Church of Australia, welcomes the moral leadership provided by the Papal Encyclical Laudato Si’ and reflects on the situation in Australia.
Watch this video in which he urges us to...
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